Misidentity Crisis

Have you ever felt the need to complete disassociate from yourself? 2017 was that for me. I left the Army, started a new band PRYM and quickly disbanded it almost as quickly as it began. Confusing, right? What artist DOES that?

My music has been a convoluted mess the past several years. It has been released under multiple albums, multiple names, all because of some crazy rules and regulations that made it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to make this whole thing with the Army work. But I loved what I was doing, and wanted to make it work SO. BAD.

Who the hell WAS I? The compromises I made caused me to hate my own image, my own NAME. I wanted to just be completely separated from it. So, through this Army thing and then when I left, I lost my band, lost my own identity. I felt like I didn’t own a single part of it anymore. So I thought it’d be brilliant to just start a whole new band and start from scratch.

It took me a year to figure out what a crazy disservice this was to mySELF. What kind of self-loathing had to be present for me to not even want my own NAME to be me? 

Corrin Campbell became Sgt. Corrin Campbell. We were literally not allowed to use my name without my rank. THEN, they didn’t even want my name on it at all (I’m not even gonna GO into how f-ed up that is right now), and we became Dash|Ten. Game Night was re-released in my Army gig as Standing Strong. Gilded was re-released as Singer. Songwriter. Soldier. - and then as the Dash|Ten self-titled album (with one new song on it). Then, I made it worse by releasing At First Light under the name PRYM…

It’s no wonder I was confused. I’m sure those of you that have been here since Exhibit A have been scratching your heads, too. 

Leaving the Army and trying to start the music totally over - I sunk into a really dark place, guys. Like won’t-answer-the-phone, don’t-leave-the-house, can’t-write-a-thing depression. I felt more lost and disconnected from myself than ever in my life.

But somehow I came back from the dead. I learned to love myself again, to be proud of all I’ve done… and move on from it. Time to snap out of it. Sgt., Dash|Ten, and PRYM are bygones. All these crazy compilation/renamed combination albums are done. Everything is coming back to home base.

At First Light was released under MY name on February 15. And a new album is already in progress. We’re gonna start over - and do this thing right. Thanks for sticking around.

Corrin Campbell